Mama Project: Lake Walk

Share day in Cub’s class is themed each month. So instead of bringing the same junk into share with his classmates, we have to come up with items which match the theme for the curriculum each month. Fabulous from a teacher stand-point… From a Mama stand point: What the hell am I going to come up with- and by the way the bus will be here in 3 minutes. What the hell.

This month, our theme is Lake Champlain. Which, if you don’t live in Vermont, you should totally Google. Right after you finish reading. Here in our lovely State we are blessed with a gorgeous lake, shared with NewYork and home to Champ, the legend Lake Monster. Which you should also Google. Back to Share Day. We sent in a photo and brief description of Champ and some sightings- which I printed off and threw in his backpack as he walked out the door we researched together last week. In a effort to encourage to Cub to be more thoughtful about his Share Day, we drove to the lake (which is a pathetic eight minute drive from our house…) and filled a jar with items from the Lake.

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Collecting, searching, inspecting. Touching, feeling, sensing. Smelling, listening, exploring. Taking it all in. This was a wonderfully, beautiful afternoon with my children. Watching them enjoy simple items like rocks, shells, feathers, sticks, weeds, water was refreshing. Rewarding. So in love with being a Mama today.

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Peace, Mamas!